— About us

The Coastal Communities Resilience to Climate and Diarrhoea (C2R-CD) project aims to generate long term data series to model the interactions between climatic, hydrological, environmental, epidemiological, institutional and socio-cultural determinants of diarrhoea. The study will focus on communities found along the eastern and central coastline of the country, which are the most vulnerable to sea level rise and flooding incidents. The research will help explore the complexities and dynamics of diarrhoeal diseases under various climatic, social and environmental scenarios towards co-developing innovative and effective resilience solutions in coastal communities. Transdisciplinary processes will be used to engage multi-level and multi-sectoral stakeholders from the beginning to ensure that knowledge generated will be owned by all for better uptake. Training and awareness-raising activities will improve awareness and enhance understanding of climate change impacts on diarrhoea and ways to develop resilient health systems. Knowledge products will be made available to policy- and decision-makers to provide country-specific, evidence-based solutions towards addressing climate related health risks in coastal communities.


The overall goal of the C2R-CD project is to build resilience to climate change and improve diarrhoeal management in coastal communities. To address this goal, the project will address the following key research questions:

The specific objectives to achieve these aims are to:

Expected outcomes and outputs

Outcomes Outputs


The project will be implemented through five work packages (WPs):

WPs 1-4 will each have 1 PhD student who will be fully supported by the project (tuition and field costs) to build their capacity in the various disciplines covered by this project (Marine Science, Public Health, Environmental Science, and Modelling). The non-academic partner institutions will provide support to the participatory processes with local communities and institutions for knowledge sharing and development of innovative solutions.

